(843) 782-5052 wilsont@lcahec.com

Consortium Membership

The Lowcountry AHEC Continuing Professional Development Consortium provides quality programs at a low yearly fee to groups and individuals. Group membership in the Lowcountry AHEC Consortium is available to agencies, facilities, schools, or divisions/departments of organizations involved in health care and interested in enhancing professional competencies and maintaining licensure within the lowcountry region. Those agencies that are not members of the consortium are able to attend all program offerings but do not receive the benefits afforded to consortium members.

Individual membership is available to any healthcare professional. Group and Individual Consortium member benefits include attendance at Lowcountry AHEC sponsored live (in-person or webinar) continuing professional development programs, and AHEC Learning Portal programs at no charge or at a reduced fee for registration. (NOTE: consortium benefits do not include ACLS, BLS, PALS, or co-sponsored programs).

Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Due to the cost of certain courses, i.e. those where the speaker fee exceeds $1000/day, a reduced fee may be required of consortium attendees. Group membership annual rates are determined by the total number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees within the organization or division/department. Annual group membership is available on a rolling calendar basis and may begin on the first of any month.

Individual membership fees are $200 annually and cover a twelve-month term beginning July 1 and ending on June 30 of each calendar year. Individual Consortium Membership entitles the member to attend all Lowcountry AHEC sponsored programs in the same way as group membership.

Meals, registration fees and books, if required for a specific program are not included in consortium membership.

Consortium membership is not transferable and membership fees are non-refundable.

Continuing Professional Development programs are open to all participants, but consortium members get the experience for less. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

You can begin accessing these benefits today by completing and submitting the individual membership application form. To access this form, CLICK HERE For more information about how your organization can become a consortium member, call 843-782-5052 or email Scott Moody.