(843) 782-5052 wilsont@lcahec.com

Frequently Asked Questions

Health Careers Program (HCP)

  1. What are some virtual opportunities that your Health Careers Academy has to offer?

All students have free access to the Health Careers Modules, which are found at https://lcahec.com/health-careers-online-programs/ . You may find the Health Careers Catalog and the AHEC Learning Portal registration instructions at that same link.

  1. Are there any Summer Opportunities provided?

Lowcountry AHEC offers the Summer Internship Program to students, https://lcahec.com/summer-internships/. Statewide, the SC AHEC system offers the Summer Careers Academy https://lcahec.com/summer-health-careers-academy/.

  1. How do I join your Health Careers Academy?

Students should contact Jalacy Green, greent@lcahec.com or Tracey Wilson, wilsont@lcahec.com to receive the application to join the academy. You must apply and be accepted by the beginning of the school year. After this deadline, you may only attend informational, health careers sessions until the next academic school year.

Health Professions Student Program (HPS)

  1. Where does Lowcountry AHEC have housing?

Lowcountry AHEC currently leases 4 student houses: 1 in Walterboro, 1 in Bamberg, 1 in Beaufort, and 1 in Orangeburg. Find more information at Student Housing | (lcahec.com)

  1. What is the housing situation like at Lowcountry AHEC student housing?

In Bamberg, the downstairs has space for 2 students per room.  The upstairs can accommodate 2 students per room, however in normal circumstance we limit to 1 student per room. In Beaufort, the student housing is an apartment; all bedrooms allow for 2 students.  In Walterboro, 2 of the bedrooms are single and 1 can accommodate 2 students. There are 2 full bathrooms in each housing situation, with Walterboro having an additional ½ bathroom.

  1. Are the bedrooms assigned?

 Yes. Housing is co-ed, with same gender in each bedroom. Accommodations are set based on the gender mix at the time.

  1. How are clinical rotations prioritized?

When needed, priority is given to health professions students from in state public universities, in particular disciplines that are primary care focused.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

  1. How do I register for a class if I have not registered before?

Go to https://lcahec.com/upcoming-classes/ and choose the program of interest.  Click the “next” button at the bottom of the screen and create your account profile. Save your username and password as you will need this to complete the evaluation, receive the certificate, and register for future classes.

  1. How do I register for a class if I have registered before?

Go to https://lcahec.com/upcoming-classes/ and choose the program of interest.  Click on the upper right hand corner to Login. You will need your username and password to complete your registration. If you do not remember these, email wilsont@lcahec.com and Tracey Wilson will assist you.

  1. How do I cancel a program that I am registered for?

Login with your username and password at www.lcahec.com, click on the second “cancellation” button and choose the program you would like to cancel.

  1. How do I get my certificate of attendance for a current class?

You will first need to complete the course evaluation which is available after the class through 2 weeks after. Go to your account by going to https://lcahec.com and clicking on the LOGIN button at the top right. This will take you to your account. Click on Course Evaluation for the class and a window will come up asking you to click on Evaluation. Be sure to allow for Pop-Ups on your internet Browser settings, e.g. Chrome, Edge. A new window will ask you to type the evaluation key that you received at the end of the class. Click Validate and you will see the evaluation. Complete the evaluation and your certificate will be in your account.  

  1. How do I get to past certificates of attendance?

All certificates of attendance are in your account, along with a brief transcript of classes taken with Lowcountry AHEC. Go to your account by going to https://lcahec.com and clicking on the LOGIN button at the top right. This will take you to your account and you may click on the class certificate that you are looking for.

American Heart Association Training Center

  1. Does Lowcountry AHEC offer American Heart Association certification courses?

Yes, offerings include BLS, PALS, ACLS and all Heartsaver courses. If you are in need of a class please contact Kelly Wynn, wynnk@lcahec.com.

    1. How much does each course cost?

Price differs per instructor teaching the course