Health Careers Academy
The Health Careers Academy (HCA) is an introduction to the careers available in healthcare. We focus on communication skills, job qualifications, educational requirements, career opportunities for healthcare professionals, health disparities, the workforce of the state, and health equity. Students have the opportunity to gain real-world experience, network with healthcare professionals, attend virtual workshops and seminars, go on field trips, and explore undiscovered areas of healthcare.
Monthly meetings are held virtually or live in one of our 12 counties. Students from any of the 12 Lowcountry AHEC counties of South Carolina are welcome to attend. Lowcountry counties include Charleston, Berkeley, Dorchester, Orangeburg, Bamberg, Barnwell, Calhoun, Beaufort, Jasper, Hampton, Allendale, and Colleton.
If you are interested in joining, contact Jalacy Green or LaRonda Johnson!
Jalacy Green, MHA, GCDF
Health Careers Program Coordinator
LaRonda Johnson, MA, GCDF
Health Careers Program Coordinator